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Rabbi David Wolpe


Judaism is what we Jews do that is good and holy with the gifts we are given. By contributing to others, we uphold our history and fashion the future.

– Rabbi David Wolpe

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Sinai Akiba Academy


General Fund

Sinai Temple plays a vital spiritual, educational and social role in the collective lives of our members. The General Fund enables the synagogue to provide a variety of programs to the community and ensures optimal functionality of the organization.

Memorial Fund

Gifts to the Memorial Fund are made in memory of a loved one’s passing, usually on the occasion of a yahrzeit, and go to support the general operating budget, in addition to the maintenance of our memorial plaques and daily Minyan activities.

Adult Education Fund

The Adult Education Fund supports the production of various programs, lectures and learning opportunities for members. Past programs have featured world-renowned authors and scholars, political figures, policy experts, artists and businesspeople. This fund also supports Learn at Sinai, Sinai Temple classes featuring clergy and local experts, who speak on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to Israel, Torah, history and prayer.

Atid Fund

Atid is Los Angeles’ premiere Jewish Young Professionals group (ages 21-39). Atid’s goal is to help young professionals explore and celebrate Judaism through spiritual, cultural, educational and social events. Events include FNL monthly Shabbat services and dinner, hikes, Jewish learning classes with clergy, basketball, yoga, and more. Events provide an opportunity for singles to meet, couples to connect, and professionals to network while  strengthening Jewish identity and building Jewish community. Donations to the Atid Fund help support the above listed activities, programs and events.

Beit Bracha Special Needs Religious School & B’nai Mitzvah Fund

Sinai Temple’s Beit Bracha program is a religious school and/or B’nai Mitzvah program for children with special needs. The program empowers students to partake in a religious education program that takes into account their individualized educational needs. Funds donated to this program support teachers and teaching assistants, educational materials, tutoring and scholarships to ensure that every child in our community has an opportunity for a Jewish education and Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Bikkur Cholim Fund 

Sinai Temple is dedicated to providing a caring community for its members. The Bikkur Cholim Fund provides comfort and support to members of our community who are ill, homebound, isolated, and/or in distress. Donations to Sinai Temple’s Bikkur Cholim Fund allow temple volunteers to visit homebound members, as well as patients in hospitals, rehabilitation centers and/or nursing homes.

B'nai Mitzvah Fund

The B’nai Mitzvah fund helps to support our vibrant B’nai Mitzvah program, instilling a love of Judaism and tradition into the hearts and minds of our Sinai Temple students. Donations are put towards supplies, resources and fee assistance when applicable, ensuring that every member has an opportunity to celebrate his/her child’s simcha.

Board of Governors Fund

The Board of Governors, composed of Sinai Temple past-Presidents, independently reviews and discusses issues and policies that are important to the organization. The BOG supports lay leaders, clergy and staff by developing, hosting and sponsoring religious and cultural activities. Funds donated to the Board of Governors provide support for these activities.

Dor Chadash Fund

Dor Chadash provides social and religious activities designed to build community and Jewish identity amongst young families with children ages 0-6. The goal is to encourage commitment to the synagogue, and to develop future leaders of the congregation. Donations to the Dor Chadash Fund provide support for High Holy Day services for young families, special Shabbat programming, holiday celebrations and social programming.

Emergency Community Health Fund

The most precious gift is our heath. When our health is compromised, we're suddenly challenged in every way possible: physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Sinai Temple is proud to offer support to families facing health crises. This clergy-directed fund is designed to provide immediate, short-term financial support when it’s needed most. Together, let's ease the burden so that our community members can focus on healing.

Family Minyan Fund

Family Minyan is a warm, traditional, lay-led service (Shabbat and High Holy Days), held primarily in Kohn Chapel. In addition to services, Family Minyan also provides social and educational programs, holiday celebrations, and kiddushes following Shabbat services. Family Minyan encourages participants of all ages to read Torah and to lead prayers. Funds raised for Family Minyan cover the costs associated with all of these programs and initiatives.

Feit Family Shabbat Live Fund

The Feit Family Shabbat Live Fund brings the energy and excitement of FNL (formerly Friday Night Live) to Shabbat mornings. Mixing the beautiful, traditional nusach of our cantors with the innovation of our rabbis, Shabbat Live proves to be an enormously popular addition to our services. Gifts to the Feit Family Shabbat Live fund help supplement Shabbat speakers, musical guests, and audio-visual needs for the services.

Israel Center Fund 

The Sinai Temple Israel Center is the first synagogue center to provide programmatic resources for Los Angeles Jewry to establish cultural, spiritual and economic ties to Israel. It helps foster ties between our community and the Holy Land. The goal is the build on the legacy of the past, to help draw the next generation closer to our brethren in Eretz Yisrael, our cherished and sacred homeland. Gifts to the Israel Center Fund support programming that educates about and advocates on behalf of Israel.

Jacob Weisbarth Bereavement Fund 

The Jacob Weisbarth Bereavement Fund helps support families that have experienced a recent passing, or are preparing for a passing of a loved one. Beyond providing financial assistance, Sinai Temple staff and volunteers can also provide emotional support, resources, information, meals, and referrals to licensed hospice care providers and mental health professionals.


The Mark Cohen-Shohet Memorial Fund is a scholarship fund for religious school students with financial need.

Men’s Club Fund

Please visit the Affiliate Group Memberships  page to join the Men's Club, or renew your membership.

Sinai Temple’s Men’s Club provides a unique and warm environment in which members meet for programs, while sharing Jewish values, a commitment to Israel and a desire to lead and give back to the Sinai community. Donations to the Men’s Club General Fund support engaging speakers and programming, social and wellness activities and supplement event costs.

Music Fund - Cantor Marcus Feldman

This Music Fund underwrites musical programming at Sinai Temple, which marks special occasions, Jewish holiday celebrations or concerts featuring musical talent. Donations to this Fund are used at the discretion of Cantor Marcus Feldman.

Music Fund - Organist Aryell Cohen

This Music Fund underwrites musical programming at Sinai Temple, which marks special occasions, Jewish holiday celebrations or concerts featuring musical talent. Donations to this Fund are used at the discretion of Organist/Choir Director Aryell Cohen.

Music Fund - Choir

The Choir Fund supports costs associated with the Sinai Temple Choir, which provides inspirational melodies for our community to enjoy.

Religious School Hannah Lippert General Fund

The ST✡RS (Sinai Temple Religious School) teaches children the skills necessary to enjoy the richness of Jewish life and identity. The curriculum focuses on spiritual, intellectual, emotional and creative development, ensuring a growing love and commitment to Judaism. The Hannah Lippert General Fund, established in memory of long-time Sinai Temple member Hannah Lippert, supports the day-to-day operations of the Religious School, including but not limited to educational materials, special events, teacher support, etc.

Religious School Margaretz”l & Jamesz”l Flesh Scholarship Fund

The ST✡RS (Sinai Temple Religious School) teaches children the skills necessary to enjoy the richness of Jewish life and identity. The curriculum focuses on spiritual, intellectual, emotional and creative development, ensuring a growing love and commitment to Judaism. The Margaretz”l & Jamesz”l Flesh Scholarship Fund, established in memory of long-time Sinai Temple members Margaretz”l & Jamesz”lFlesh, helps to ensure that all children in our community have the opportunity to receive a Jewish education, regardless of financial circumstances.

Ritual Observance Fund

The Ritual Observance Fund is used to purchase ritual objects, such as prayer books (siddurim), the Five Books of Moses (chumashim), prayer shawls (tallitot), and phylacteries (tefillin) for services, festivals and High Holy Days. The fund also provides for the repair and refurbishment of ritual objects as needed.

Shiva Committee Fund

Sinai Temple is dedicated to providing a caring community for its members. Shiva, the seven-day mourning period following the passing of a family member, is an important part of the grieving process. During this time period, friends and family gather together as one. The Shiva Committee plays an important role in this process by providing emotional support to the bereaved, guidance on preparing the home, meal delivery, volunteers to lead services, coordination to ensure a minyan, prayer books and more. Funds donated to the Shiva Committee Fund help provide this critical support and comfort to congregants who have experienced a loss.

Sisterhood General Fund

Please visit the Affiliate Group Memberships page to join the Sisterhood, or renew your membership.

Sinai Temple Sisterhood empowers a diverse group of women of varying ages to observe and promote Jewish values and traditions, enjoying warmth and friendship in the process. They support Sinai Temple, Conservative Judaism and the greater community through social action programs and fundraising efforts. Gifts to the General Fund allow Sisterhood to make a greater difference throughout the many communities that the group serves.

Sisterhood Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund

Please visit the Affiliate Group Memberships page to join the Sisterhood, or renew your membership.

Each year, Sisterhood provides generous scholarships that enable the children of Sinai Temple members to attend Camp Ramah. Scholarships are available to all campers, including children in the Tikvah program for those with special needs. Extensive research shows that Jewish summer camp plays a crucial role in ensuring a child’s lifelong connection to Judaism. Your contribution allows for the continuation and expansion of these much-needed scholarships.

Sisterhood Suzanna Cohenz”l March of the Living Fund

Please visit the Affiliate Group Memberships page to join the Sisterhood, or renew your membership.

This fund underwrites a significant portion of Sinai Temple Sisterhood’s March of the Living mission for young professionals. It also funds scholarships for the BJE Teen Mission and Holocaust programming for our community. We honor Suzanna Cohen z”l who, as a teen, fled Poland at the beginning of World War II and traveled 6,100 miles to Iran, where she married and raised children. Your support allows our young professionals and teens to embark upon these milestone trips and to pursue projects they find meaningful on their return.

Tahara Committee Fund

Sinai Temple is dedicated to providing a caring community for its members. The Tahara Committee works in conjunction with clergy and Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries to ritually prepare bodies for Jewish burial. Support of the Tahara Committee Fund allows for the committee to continue its holy and sacred work.

Ted & Hedy Orden z”l and Family Friday Night Live Fund

Friday Night Live was originally created by Rabbi David Wolpe and Craig Taubman to bring young Jewish adults together to celebrate Shabbat. It has recently been rebranded as “FNL,” featuring the next generation of Sinai clergy – Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Rabbi Erez Sherman, Cantor Marcus Feldman, and the FNL Band. Blending traditional prayers with inspiring speakers and joyful music, FNL is the premiere young professionals Shabbat experience in Los Angeles.

Teen Center Fund

The Teen Center trains and prepares the Jewish leaders of tomorrow through leadership boards, skill building, advocacy, social action, religious engagement, community building, education, new friendships and more. We instill in our teens a love of synagogue, community and Israel, which provides the foundation for a strong Jewish identity and the skills to lead the next generation. The Teen Center is also an active participant and chapter in the Far West region of United Synagogue Youth. Gifts to the Teen Center Fund support events and programming for our teen participants.

Torah in the Round Fund

Torah in the Round is an engaging family service with an emphasis on sing-along melodies and up-beat tunes. B’nai Mitzvah families and guests are given special honors, including opening of the ark (peticha) and recitation of the Torah blessings (aliyot). Donations to the Torah in the Round Fund support costs associated with Kiddush, services and community programming.

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